Katie Colburn: Artist & Ice Climber

Adventurer at Heart

Katie Colburn is a self-proclaimed “Yooper by day, artist by night.”  But the side of her that got our attention here at Strong Girls Travel was her love for ice climbing. Yes, you heard us right! Climbing frozen waterfalls…for fun.  Katie has always been an adventurer, but this hobby she’s most recently adopted is one that comes with its own rewards, challenges, and plenty of “ohmigosh-I-just-DID-that” factors.

A talented watercolor artist who focuses on the beauty of women, Katie uses her adventures to inspire her art. She takes what she sees and how she feels when she’s out hiking, snowboarding, or rock climbing, and puts that wholeheartedly into the life of her artwork. She has a strong body-spirit connection, and it shows on her canvases. You can check out her prints on her Instagram page!

Katie has been an artist much of her life. Coming out of a depression-filled chapter in her 20s, she took to the creative outlet of wigwaming. She would take found items and craft them into thematic wigwams as an effort to heal herself and grow through this creative outlet. These massive pieces were big enough to walk through, and anyone could see her adventurous spirit and discover their own life lessons through examining her pieces. And this creative endeavor motivated her to pursue other avenues that would feed both her soul and her body.

Water ice climbing, or climbing frozen waterfalls, is what Katie had taken to after meeting her fiancé. (Fun fact: Water ice is one type of ice to climb!  The second, alpine ice, is climbing frozen mountains.) And water ice climbing is an activity that takes gear, skill, and a group of people to support you.  Katie shared that even in waterfall climbing, you need to be prepared to either hike a trail and climb up the waterfall or to hike up to the ridge and climb down the frozen ice. This last one has been the type of climbing she’s been drawn to up on the frozen shores of Lake Superior. 

Kate, at 2 am on her first ice climbing expedition.

If you’ve ever visited Lake Superior, you know that she is The Boss. She decides when, where, and if. Even hiking along her shoreline trails can be risky in the winter - with frozen lake spray covering the path and the need for ice cleats just in case. So to trek along the upper shores on the bluffs of the lake, looking for solid ice that is hanging down over the edge, sure defines “adventure” for us! Katie loves the thrill of harnessing up and climbing down the frozen spears toward Lake Superior’s shores.

This feat does not come without challenges, of course, as no adventure really does. Katie points out the obvious that harnesses are not exactly comfortable for the female body, and placement makes bathroom needs a bit tricky. And sometimes our bodies don’t cooperate with our goals. She is currently learning how to pace herself and get back to her climbing plans after a bout with plantar fasciitis. It is not stopping her, but it has forced her to readjust her timing.

And Katie gets creative when it comes to adjusting her goals. The artist in her says, “Write it down!” She makes big boards of her goals and dreams so that she can watch them come to fruition. Colorful strings connect her ideas and needs to dates and times, creating a beautiful and motivating visual to realign with daily.  Katie also thrives on setting up training regimens to meet her goals. On staying motivated and accountable, she says, “If I’m not going to keep myself accountable, no one will.” She makes her lists, checks things off as she goes, and relies on her intrinsically-motivated self to keep going.

Katie also encourages us to find our people. Though she remains accountable to herself and her goals, she recognizes the motivation that comes from a like-minded community surrounding you. Getting into a hobby like ice climbing takes a lot of gear. Katie reminds us that being a part of a hobby group can help you utilize the resources of others to try before you buy. This is a great way to build community & partnerships. She also reminds us, “When you surround yourself with the right people, when you find community, you can be successful.”

Looking to try out ice climbing yourself? Katie recommends finding a good rock climbing gym nearby first. Her local gym has been a great resource for her to build skills, build strength, and meet people along the way who are still a part of her community today.  She also reminds us to keep safety at the forefront of our minds. Starting this hobby, or any new hobby, can be daunting for women to try. Our society likes to remind us we shouldn’t go alone. But carrying a small knife (within reach) is a simple thing to do to keep your mind at ease and to build confidence. Katie remembers some crazy adventures in her younger years that made her grateful for her safe choices!

Where will you find Katie next? Well, if it isn’t at an art show before her wedding (congrats, Katie!), you might see pics from her RV honeymoon adventure soon afterward! She and soon-to-be hubby will be visiting national parks and heading to Arkansas’s big rock climbing competition.  Katie also has the personal goal of learning to be more confident in her anchor-tying skills before they head up to next year’s Michigan Ice Fest on Lake Superior.

Katie’s positive energy, healthy outlook, and inner connection seem to be the keys to a life filled with adventure, beauty, and confidence. She is most certainly, in our eyes, defining her adventure and living every moment.


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